Thursday, June 9, 2011

Summer Lovin'

I am LOVING summer vacation! Here are 9 reasons that I am loving summer so far:

1. Waking up and spending the mornings with my boys.

2. Listening to my children role play, make believe, and giggle EVERY SINGLE DAY!

3. Splashing, laughing, and hanging out at Nana's pool!

4. Having time to stalk some of my favorite teacher blogs and download some fun things for next year!

5. Having time to do a little light reading!

6. Listening to my children role play, make believe, and giggle EVERY SINGLE DAY! (Yeah, this one made the list twice!!!)

7. Catching up on TrueBlood Season 3 (Thank You Diana) and Days of our Lives!

8. Listening to Andy discover the joy of reading!!!
(This was too cute! We've been reading Llama Llama Misses Mama every night for bed. Today, before bedtime Andy got the book and told the story all by himself! Here is the story according to Andy: Llama wake up...llama go...llama cry...llama pay slide...hi mommy!)

9. Enjoying de-cluttering the house and the smell of Mr. Clean in each room! Who knew that throwing things out could ever be so much fun! :)

I hope all of my friends are enjoying their summer as much as I am. Please leave a comment and tell me what are a few of your favorite things about summertime!

1 comment:

  1. I love your list!! So many of those things could've made my summer lovin list too!!
