Tuesday, May 31, 2011

So long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Good-Night

Today was a GOOD day! My kitchen is clean, I started organizing my cabinets, the hall closet is clean, Bobby and Katie were excited about their new chore charts, and Andy laughed with me all morning! A fantastic start to my summer break!!!

May has come and gone. May was most definitely a marathon month for me. A blog-a-day, Andy's birthday party, Katie's birthday party, Bobby's birthday party, Kinder graduation, Water Day, the last day of school, Katie's spring showcase, Bobby's baseball season, a broken toe, a bladder infection...I'm sure there are a few more big events that I missed as I mentally recap this crazy month. Although life was crazy busy the past 31 days, I am so thankful that I took the time to take pictures and blog. Looking back at the last 30 posts reminded of what a great month it was!

As I complete my final "Blog a Day in May" post, I find myself humming a tune from The Sound of Mus.ic.

Regretfully they tell us Cuckoo, cuckoo
But firmly they compel us Cuckoo, cuckoo
To say goodbye . . .
. . . to you

We made it Ami and Anabelle! Despite some of the curve balls that May sent our way, we completed 31 straight days of blogging!!! There were definitely a few nights were it would have been easier t
o go straight to bed...but I new that I couldn't let my fellow blog marathoners down. Thank you for inspiring me to sit down every night and blog. With the summer months looming ahead of me and extra time on my hands, I am left to ponder the questions: "When is our next marathon? Should I start training now???"

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night!

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