Saturday, November 20, 2010

Yard Sale Madness!

Until today, I was a yard sale virgin. Sure, I've been to my share or yard/garage sales searching for the ultimate find. I have never been the sales person type. If you ask me how much, I pause because I really don't know how much to ask for. I throw out a number in hopes that it sounds good. Also, for those who know me, I am not good at saying no. So, when the other person starts to negotiate I inevitably cave.

Me...feeling very uncomfortable about the upcoming sales event

I was SOOO not ready for the mad rush of people that would be at my house at 6:40 this morning...even though the sign clearly said 7. I dragged the folding table out onto the driveway and began to bring out the plethora of baby items that we would hopefully be selling today. The second I put the first item out, cars started pulling up. I was completely by myself outside trying to set everything up and all the sudden there were 10+ people asking how much, pulling items to the side so that no one else could buy them, and asking me to make change. I felt extremely overwhelmed and underprepared!

What the oncoming shoppers looked like to me at 6:45

It all worked out though. It is with a hint of sadness that I watch the highchair, bouncy seat, and other baby items disappear. It means no more little ones...the baby toys are being exchanged for the "big boy" toys. I'll miss those days, but I look forward to all of the adventures each stage has to offer. The definite upside is that I now have a little extra cash to spend on Black Friday!!!

How I feel now...
"Hakuna Matata"

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